Mens Medicine 30 Day Challenge

The team at Mens Medicine know how important their gut health is to their mental health and overall wellbeing. After speaking with World Champion Hattie Boydle, they decided to ‘put the product to the test’ by taking Gut Performance every day for one month. Lino, founder of Mens Medicine remarked, “true to its name, this product does just what it says it does! It improved all of our gut performance”.

Due to the success of their test, the team decided to put the call out for men everywhere to join them in taking Gut Performance for 30 days. 

The Mens Medicine GP30 Day Challenge is “nothing too extreme” it’s about “improving your eating habits and taking the challenge”. 

To find out more, follow Mens Medicine and the GP30 Day Challenge

Gut Performance

Your Daily Gut Health Workout

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